2. C3.XML Version 1.0
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This is an overview of  C3.XML data version 1.0 from May 2018. The asociated DTD file can be
downloaded in our download area

<c3_xml>  --- root element
  Attribut: version --- C3 XML Version

   <medium>  --- Medium of metadata 
     Attribut: type --- Typ of media (monograph, serial, periodical)<c3_id>  ------------------ Template ID
      <order_id>  --------------- MyBib order number, BCS2 Job number
      <medium_number> ----------- Mediennummer im Katalog
      <library_network_isil> ---- ISIL of a library network
      <library_network_id>  ----- ID of a library network, z.B. ppn, ht
      <local_id>  --------------- local ID of a medium in a local system 
      <zdb_id>  ----------------- ZDB ID
      <main_title>  ------------- Main title, title of monograph
      <main_author>  -----------  Main author of the medium
      <main_language> ----------  Language (iso639-3 standard) 
      <publisher>  -------------- Publisher or publishing company
      <edition>  ---------------- Edition
      <year>  ------------------- Year
      <volume_issue>  ----------- Volume/Number of issue
      <volume>  ----------------- Volume
      <issue>  ------------------ Issue
      <publication_date>  ------- Publication date
      <publication_place>  ------ Publication place 
      <callnumber>  ------------- Callnumber
      <swets_id> ---------------- SWETS ID
      <issn>  ------------------- ISSN
      <isbn>  ------------------- ISBN
      <classification_code>  ---- Classification code
        Attribut: type ---------- Typ of Codes (SSG, FID)
     <local_system_isil>  ------ local ISIL of a library      
     <supplier_isil>  ---------- ISIL of a delivering library      
     <call_indicator>  --------- Call indicator           
     <physical_description>  --- physical descrition of the medium   

   <metadata>  --------------- metadata as USERFIELDS for special cases specified by attribute name
        Attribut: name --- author  

      <items>  --- Root element of ToC entries 
        Attribut: count --- Number of entrie
                  type ---- toc 

         <item>  --- ToC entrie. item can have further items to show understructures 
           Attribut: id --- Identification number
                     type - toc (further typs possible)

            <page_from>  --- Page from
            <page_to>  ----- Page to
            <author>  ------ Author (more authors are possible)
              Attribut: gnd_id --- GND_ID of author
            <language>  ---- Language (iso639-3 standard)
            <title>  ------- Title of entrie
            <subject>  ----- Catchword/catchphrase
              Attribut: gnd_id --- GND ID of subjetc
            <subtitle>  ---- Undertitle
            <abstract>  ---- Abstract