7. Menu Edit
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Undo (Ctrl+Z): BCS-2 resets all functions performed on the image. The original image, which BCS-2 always saves as a backup, or the last actively saved version of the image, is called up again.BCS-2 resets all functions performed for the image. The original image, which BCS-2 always saves as a backup, or the last actively saved version of the image, is called up again.

 Confirm: Confirm the action(s) performed and save the edited image. BCS-2 replaces the original image with the new image.

 Copy (Ctrl+C):  BCS-2 copies the current image in order to paste it at another position in the job or in an external document.

 Cut (Ctrl+X): Cut out the image to paste it elsewhere in the job.

 Paste (Ctrl+V): BCS-2 inserts the image into the job after the currently selected image.

 Paste from File: Navigate to a file folder to tag, select, and insert images in that folder into the job.

 Delete Image: BCS-2 deletes the current image after a security prompt.