31. Erzeugung eines C3+-XML-ResultsKapitel hinzufügen
JavaScript zur Erzeugung eines C3+-XML-Results im neuen Format zur Nutzung für das neue c3xmlconv-Programm. Das Script ist Bestandteil von BCS-2 V6 Professional. Sie finden es unter dem Dateinamen tt_generate_c3_plus_xml.js im folgenden Verzeichnis: C:\ProgramData\ImageWareComponents\BCS2_V6_64\js.
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Indexnames as Script-Variables:
// use them instead numerics...
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Indexnames as Script-Variables:
// use them instead numerics...
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
ind_c3_type = 0; // Index c3_type Type: Optionsliste [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: Typ für c3-xml (monograph, serial, periodical)
ind_c3_id = 1; // Index c3_id Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_order_id = 0; // Index order_id Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: ME- Auftragsnummer
ind_medium_number = 0; // Index medium_number Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_swets_id = 0; // Index swets_id Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_library_network_id = 2; // Index library_network_id Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: Verbundkennung
ind_local_id = 0; // Index local_id Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_zdb_id = 3; // Index zdb_id Type: Zeichenkette [ZDB ID]:
ind_main_title = 4; // Index main_title Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: Titel
ind_publisher = 0; // Index publisher Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_edition = 0; // Index edition Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_year = 7; // Index year Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: Erscheinungsjahr des Werkes
ind_main_language = 5; // Index main_language Type: Optionsliste [ISO 639-3 Language Code]: ISO639-3 Sprachen Abkürzung
ind_volume_issue = 0; // Index volume_issue Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_volume = 6; // Index volume Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_issue = 8; // Index issue Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_publication_date = 0; // Index publication_date Type: Zeichenkette [Datum der Veröffentlichung]:
ind_publication_place = 0; // Index publication_place Type: Zeichenkette [Ort der Veröffentlichung]:
ind_callnumber = 0; // Index callnumber Type: Zeichenkette [Signatur]:
ind_issn = 0; // Index issn Type: Zeichenkette [ISSN]:
ind_isbn = 0; // Index isbn Type: Zeichenkette [ISBN]:
ind_classification_code = 11; // Index classification_code Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_lib_network_isil = 12; // Index lib_network_isil Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]:
ind_letzte_Seitennummer = 9; // Index letzte Seitennummer Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: letzte Seite des letzten Artikel
ind_author_complete_works = 0; // Index author_complete_works Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: Autor des Gesamtwerks
ind_local_system_isil = 14; // Index local_system_isil Type: Zeichenkette [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: lokale ISIL für einige Bibliotheken
ind_call_indicator = 15; // Index call_indicator Type: Sammlung (Optionsliste mit Mehrfachauswahl) [kein zugeordneter Meta-Daten-Typ]: Abrufkennzeichen (Kollektion)
ind_supplier_isil = 10; // Index liefernde Bibliothel (ISIL)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// computes the complete C3+ Results for all Pages...
// separate Lists for iterating over
var cl = job.c3PlusResults();
var languages = [];
var titles = [];
var sub_titles = [];
var abstracts = [];
var page_numbers = [];
var authors = [];
// ut.notifyUser('#TOC-Items:', cl.length);
for (i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) {
// TOC-Item
ti = cl[i];
language = ti['languages'];
title_map = ti['title'];
title = title_map['lang_default'];
sub_title_map = ti['sub_title'];
if (! (sub_title_map === undefined)) {
sub_title = sub_title_map['lang_default'];
abstract_map = ti['abstract'];
if (! (abstract_map === undefined)) {
abstract = abstract_map['lang_default'];
authors_map = ti['authors'];
author = authors_map['lang_default'];
page_num_map = ti['page_number'];
page_num = page_num_map['lang_default'];
} // for i...
// ut.notifyUser('#Titles', titles.length);
// ut.notifyUser('#Sub-Titles', sub_titles.length);
// ut.notifyUser('#Abstracts', abstracts.length);
// ut.notifyUser('#Pagenumbers', page_numbers.length);
// ut.notifyUser('#Authors', authors.length);
var aut_list;
var aut_map;
var aut;
// create Root Element
xr.initGenericDoc ("c3_xml");
xr.xmlAddAttribute ("version", "1.0");
// Meta-Data-Header
xr.xmlPush ("medium");
// momentan KEIN type...
//xr.xmlAddAttribute ("type", job.index(ind_c3_type));
// c3_id ist Kennung der verwendeten Regel
xr.xmlAddChild("c3_id", job.index(ind_c3_id));
// order_id: ME-Auftragsnummer oder BCS-2 Job-Nummer
// kein ME-Kontext in diesem WF!
// dafuer wird die BCS-2 Job-Nummer genommen !
xr.xmlAddChild("order_id", job.name);
// medium_number
// keine medium_number
//xr.xmlAddChild("medium_number", job.index(ind_medium_number));
// swets_id
// keine Swets-ID !
//xr.xmlAddChild("swets_id", job.index(ind_swets_id));
// library_network_id
xr.xmlAddChild("library_network_id", job.index(ind_library_network_id));
// local_id
// keine local_id
//xr.xmlAddChild("local_id", job.index(ind_local_id));
// zdb_id
xr.xmlAddChild("zdb_id", job.index(ind_zdb_id));
// main_title
xr.xmlAddChild("main_title", job.index(ind_main_title));
// publisher
// kein Publisher
//xr.xmlAddChild("publisher", job.index(ind_publisher));
// edition
// keine Edition
//xr.xmlAddChild("edition", job.index(ind_edition));
// year
xr.xmlAddChild("year", job.index(ind_year));
// main_language
xr.xmlAddChild("main_language", ut.iso639_3_to_iso639_2B(job.techIndex(ind_main_language)));
// volume_issue
// kein volume_issue, statt dessen volume und heftnummer
//xr.xmlAddChild("volume_issue", job.index(ind_volume_issue));
// volume
xr.xmlAddChild("volume", job.index(ind_volume));
// issue
xr.xmlAddChild("issue", job.index(ind_issue));
// publication_date
// kein publication_date
//xr.xmlAddChild("publication_date", job.index(ind_publication_date));
// publication_place
// kein publication_place
//xr.xmlAddChild("publication_place", job.index(ind_publication_place));
// callnumber
// keine Signatur
//xr.xmlAddChild("callnumber", job.index(ind_callnumber));
// issn
// keine ISSN
//xr.xmlAddChild("issn", job.index(ind_issn));
// isbn
// keine ISBN
//xr.xmlAddChild("isbn", job.index(ind_isbn));
// classification_code
xr.xmlAddChild("classification_code", job.index(ind_classification_code));
xr.xmlAddAttribute ("type", "ssgn");
// library_network_isil
xr.xmlAddChild("library_network_isil", job.index(ind_lib_network_isil));
// supplier_isil
xr.xmlAddChild("supplier_isil", job.index(ind_supplier_isil));
// complete_works_author (Autor des Gesamtwerks)
// local_system_isil
// call_indicator
cw_author = "";
local_system_isil = "";
call_indicator = "";
if (ind_author_complete_works > 0) {
cw_author = job.index(ind_author_complete_works).trim();
if (ind_local_system_isil > 0) {
local_system_isil = job.index(ind_local_system_isil).trim();
if (ind_call_indicator > 0) {
call_indicator = job.index(ind_call_indicator).trim();
if (cw_author.length > 0)
xr.xmlAddChild("main_author", cw_author);
if (local_system_isil.length > 0)
xr.xmlAddChild("local_system_isil", local_system_isil);
if (call_indicator.length > 0)
xr.xmlAddChild("call_indicator", call_indicator);
xr.xmlPush ("items");
xr.xmlAddAttribute ("count", authors.length);
// loop over Articles...
for (i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) {
xr.xmlPush ("item");
xr.xmlAddAttribute ("id", i+1);
aut_list = authors[i];
language = ut.trimmed(languages[i]);
title = ut.trimmed(titles[i]);
sub_title = ut.trimmed(sub_titles[i]);
abstract = ut.trimmed(abstracts[i]);
pg = ut.trimmed(page_numbers[i]);
sl = ut.split(pg, "-");
pg_from = "";
pg_to = "";
if (2 == sl.length) {
pg_from = ut.trimmed(sl[0]);
pg_to = ut.trimmed(sl[1]);
if (pg_from.length && pg_to.length) {
xr.xmlAddChild("page_from", pg_from);
xr.xmlAddChild("page_to", pg_to);
} else xr.xmlAddChild("page_from", pg);
for (j = 0; j < aut_list.length; j++) {
aut_map = aut_list[j];
aut_name = aut_map["name"];
aut_id = aut_map["gnd_id"];
if (aut_name.length > 0) {
xr.xmlAddChild("author", aut_name);
if (aut_id.length)
xr.xmlAddAttribute("gnd_id", aut_id);
} // aut_name.lenght > 0...
} // for j...
if (language.length)
xr.xmlAddChild("language", language);
if (title.length) {
// if we have a dedicated sub_title: take the title as is
// and do not try to detect a sub_title within the title...
if (sub_title.length)
xr.xmlAddChild("title", title);
else {
// create array of strings, split by ' : '...
var sl = title.split(' : ');
// nothing found, just leave with the title...
if (1 == sl.length) {
xr.xmlAddChild("title", title);
} else {
xr.xmlAddChild("title", sl[0]);
xr.xmlAddChild("sub_title", ut.join(sl, ' : '));
} // if 1 == sl.length
} // if sub_title.length...
} // if title.length...
if (sub_title.length)
xr.xmlAddChild("sub_title", sub_title);
if (abstract.length)
xr.xmlAddChild("abtract", abstract);
xr.xmlPop(); // item
} // for i...
xr.xmlPop(); // items
xr.xmlPop(); // medium
// Store XML Result in Job's KeyMap
job.setKeyValue("C3_PLUS_XML", xr.genericXmlString());
// return XML result
c3_xml = xr.genericXmlString();
// ut.notifyUser('C3 XML', c3_xml);