1. Introduction of the OCR-Moduleadd chapter
With the BCS-2® OCR module OCR engine text recognition functions can be performed. For that, BCS-2 is using the ABBYY Finereader Engine. Following software/drivers have to be installed for this module:
- current BCS-2 version (minor version 3.6.12)
- ABBYY licence dongle
- ABBYY FineReader Engine 10
- Dongle driver
During the installation, of BCS-2, independent of a new installation or update, the BCS-2 installer will give you the option to install the ABBYY engine and dongle driver automatically, which you have to accept specifically.
Special of ABBYY engine 10:
The finereader engine will install a windows service called ABBYY SDK 10 Licensing Service, what is needed for BCS-2 to get the option information from the dongle. Please make sure, that this service is running while using the OCR-module.