9. System Values
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Use the “System values” tab to define so-called system values (variables with values). These can be used in scripts instead of a constant value.

System values are used to simplify the creation of scripts and the use of script values, to reduce sources of error and thus to increase clarity. Instead of the “real” value that BCS-2 outputs later, store a system value. If a value changes, you only have to adjust the system value but not your scripts. The use of system values is recommended for more complex scripts such as the METS generation. In the global system values, you should only create values that you reuse in changing contexts: department name, tax number, etc..

Workflow-specific system values you define in the workflow.

On the left side of the tab, BCS-2 displays the list of system variables and their configuration.

Checkedt: By selecting the checkbox, BCS-2 activates the selected system value. It can now be used for all workflows.

Name: Name of the variable that BCS-2 uses in the scripts.

Value: At this point you specify the value of the variable, which BCS-2 later automatically sets in the script with the name.

Description: Optionally, enter a brief explanation of the system variable here.

Add/edit system value

Name: Name of the variable that BCS-2 uses in the scripts.

Value: At this point you specify the value of the variable, which BCS-2 later automatically sets in the script with the name.

Description: Optionally, enter a brief explanation of the system variable here.