10.1 Index controls languageadd section
List of currently available languages for BCS-2:
- deu | German
- eng | English
- fra | French
- ita | Italian
- spa | Spanish
- ell | Greek
- grc | Ancient Greek (to 1453)
- tlh | Klingon
- lat | Latin
- heb | Hebrew
- hbo | Ancient Hebrew
- oar | Old Aramaic (up to 700 BCE)
- tmr | Jewish Babylonian Aramaic (ca. 200-1200 CE)
- arc | Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE)
- jpa | Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
- aii | Assyrian Neo-Aramaic
- por | Portuguese
- nld | Dutch
- dan | Danish
- nor | Norwegian
- swe | Swedish
- isl | Icelandic
- fin | Finnish
- pol | Polish
- hun | Hungarian
- ces | Czech
- slk | Slovak
- ron | Romanian
- slv | Slovenian
- hrv | Croatian
- bos | Bosnian
- sqi | Albanian
- srp | Serbian
- tur | Turkish
- rus | Russian
- est | Estonian
- lit | Lithuanian
- lav | Latvian
- bel | Belarusian
- ukr | Ukrainian
- bul | Bulgarian
- zho | Chinese
- jpn | Japanese
- kor | Korean
- tha | Thai
- vie | Vietnamese
- hin | Hindi
The languages are encoded according to the ISO 639-3 list. To define languages, use a combination of ISO code and the name of the language, for example:
- deu | German
- rus | Russian
- zho | Chinese
A comma-separated list of languages can be obtained by using the script function “ut.technicalValues();”. The following call returns a comma-separated list of languages defined in job index 1: “ut.technicalValues(job.index1);”.
10.2 Index controls font typeadd section
As in the case of OCR languages, several features can be configured simultaneously. Therefore, we recommend the use of a “collection” index here as well.
Since the actual values in this case are numbers, choose the notation “<technical value> | <description>” to use “ut.technicalValues();” to get the comma-separated list of values.
We recommend the following values and descriptions when using the ABBYY OCR engine:
- 1 | Normal type
- 2 | Typewriter type
- 4 | Matrix printer type
- 8 | Index type
- 16 | Handprinted type
- 32 | OCR A type
- 64 | OCR B type
- 128 | MICR E13B type
- 256 | MICR CMC7 type
- 512 | Gothic (Fraktur)