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returnedDate | or_date_returned | Datum des Rückversands | |
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author | or_item_author | Autor | Scott, Margaret. aut |
title | or_item_author | Titel des Werkes/Zs. /Haupttitel | Kleidung und Mode im Mittelalter |
uniformTitle | or_item_sub_title | Zusatz zum Ttitel/Untertitel | |
issn | or_item_issn | ISSN | |
isbn | or_item_isbn | ISBN | 9783534220441 |
callNumber | or_item_callname | Signatur | |
imprint | or_item_publ_place | Erscheinungvermerk/Erscheinungsjahr | Darmstadt : WBG, 2009/2015 |
articleAuthor | or_item_art_title | Verfasser des Aufsatzes | |
article | or_item_art_title | Titel des Artikels | |
volume | or_item_vol_issue | Band/Bandzählung | |
issueNumber | or_item_add_no_lett | Heftnummer | |
issueDate | or_item_publ_date | Erscheinungsdatum | |
edition | or_item_edition | Ausgabe/Auflage | |
series | or_item_series_title | Serie/Gesamttitel | |
pages | or_item_pagination | Seiten von – bis | |
verified | or_item_ref_source | Quelle/Referenzquelle | <TN:188055><ODYSSEY:> OCLC |
shipToAttention | or_del_org | Institution | University of … |
shipToAddress1 | or_del_street | Straße | |
shipToAddress2 | or_del_address | Adresse | |
shiptToPostal | or_del_code | Postleitzahl/PLZ | |
shipToLocality | or_del_city | Stadt | |
shipToRegion | or_del_region | Region/Bundesstaat/Bundesland | |
shipToCountry | or_del_country | Land | |
shipVia | or_del_service | Protokoll | Air Mail, UPS etc. |
lendingNotes | or_del_notes | Bemerkungen | |
lendingCharges | or_invoice_charges??? | ???? | |
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billToAddress2 | or_bill_adress | Rechnung Addresse | |
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billToCountry | or_bill_country | Rechnung Land | |
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borrowingNotes | or_del_notes | Bemerkungen | |
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borrower | or_del_customer_no | Kundennummer | CCO |
patronNotes | or_req_note | Kundenspezifische Information | |
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problemStatus | or_additional_info | | |