1. Administrator and Configurator
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With the help of the “Professional Administrator” and accordingly the “Office Configurator” you configure and manage your BCS 2 applications. Like their basic applications, “Administrator” and “Configurator” differ in terms of the scope of their functions:

Professional Administrator
Office Configurator

Export Settings: Creates a file with the settings of the BCS-2 installation. By default, BCS-2 saves this file with the file name “app_settings.cv6” in the folder C:\\ProgramData\ImageWareComponents\BCS2_V6_64exports. It is possible to enter your own file names and locations.

Import Settings: Configures a BCS-2 installation according to the configuration settings stored in the selected cv6 file.

Save Settings: Creates a backup copy of the settings of the BCS-2 installation.

Restore Settings: Loads the settings saved via the “Create backup copy” button.