- 2. Improvements/Features
- 2.1 Configuration Job-List
- 2.2 Scale to 400/600 dpi – activate function via 400/600 dpi Button
- 2.3 Glossy Mode Icon for Anti-reflection Illumination BE5
- 2.4 Shortcut Otsu Binarization
- 2.5 Display of scrollbars during zoom
- 2.6 Shortcut for the function ‘Operations before the scan >> Toggle Masking before Scan’ (SHIFT + P)
- 2.7 Warning when disk space is low
- 2.8 Output three-, five-, seven-digit numbers
- 2.9 Assignment of a scan profile to a workflow
- 2.10 Colour settings for masks, tiles, split lines and gutters
- 2.11 Dynamic masks
- 2.12 Saving the mask size for a job
- 2.13 Additional information bar for the toolbar
- 2.14 Extension of the page indices
- 2.15 Implementation of Tesseract 5.3
- 2.16 Overlapping gutter – moving lines together
- 2.17 JPEG 2000 – Adjustments
- 2.18 QA window
- 2.19 Time delay for displaying split pages
- 2.20 Reduce storage space
- 2.21 Display preview images (Bookeye and WideTek-Scanner)
- 2.22 Position split line
- 2.23 Extraction of OCR Page Numbers
- 2.24 Gutters and Split Lines
- 2.25 Hiding the Page Numbers in the ImageViewer
- 2.26 Transaction codes for the rotate by 1° and -1° function
- 2.27 Setting the line width
- 2.28 Shortcut for the rotate image by 90° after scan function
- 2.29 Shortcut for the ‘remove all masks from image’ function
- 2.30 Missing colour space in the image information
- 2.31 Configuration of the ‘Deskew function’
- 2.1 Configuration Job-List
2. Improvements/Featuresadd chapter
2.1 Configuration Job-List add section
Via the Configuration tab Job List the administrator can define which Information, for example Job-Index, Number of pages, Date, is shown in the BCS-2 job list. The scope and sequence can be defined flexibly. This function is currently being extended so that in the future scan profiles or only the users own jobs can be seen in the job list. RM#2199.
2.2 Scale to 400/600 dpi – activate function via 400/600 dpi Button add section
If 400 dpi or 600 dpi is defined as a setting for scanning via the Toolbar Icons and the scanner does not offer this resolution, BCS-2 automatically scales the images.
2.3 Glossy Mode Icon for Anti-reflection Illumination BE5 add section
Via the Icon Glossy Mode Icon, the anti-reflection illumination of the BE5 can be turned on and off. RM#4109
2.4 Shortcut Otsu Binarization add section
On customer request, SHIFT-J was implemented as a shortcut for the function ” Otsu binarization” RM#4214
2.5 Display of scrollbars during zoom add section
As soon as a user zooms into an image the scrollbar function is activated.
2.6 Shortcut for the function ‘Operations before the scan >> Toggle Masking before Scan’ (SHIFT + P) add section
For the function ‘Operations before the scan >> Toggle Masking before Scan’ the shortcut SHIFT + P was implemented on customer request. RM#4159
2.7 Warning when disk space is low add section
The administrator can define the minimum disk size that must be available.
If this value is not reached, BCS-2 warns the user when starting or creating a new job. RM#2377,
2.8 Output three-, five-, seven-digit numbers add section
New variables are available for the output of three-, five-, seven-digit numbers
2.9 Assignment of a scan profile to a workflow add section
We have extended the functionality of the scan profiles. BCS-2 now has a scan profile management function. This allows existing scan profiles to be overwritten, blocked and assigned to a workflow.
2.10 Colour settings for masks, tiles, split lines and gutters add section
The colour and transparency settings for masks, tiles and split lines are now configurable. The width of the split lines can also be adjusted.
This is a further step towards accessibility when using BCS-2.
2.11 Dynamic masks add section
For each workflow, it is possible to configure the behaviour when masks are transferred to the next image. New administration settings are now available for the corresponding workflows. For dynamic masks, BCS-2 adjusts the tiles in this case so that the tiles from the previous image are transferred to the next image, even if they were originally larger than the next image. For the workflows, the setting “When transferring selections: Adapt selections to changed geometry, if necessary, y/n” is available for the workflows.
2.12 Saving the mask size for a job add section
BCS-2 now saves the current size of a dragged mask if an image was cut with it. When the mask is called up again, BCS-2 displays it in the last saved version.
2.13 Additional information bar for the toolbar add section
A new element for displaying job information is available for the toolbar. The content is defined by the information template in the workflow, so you can display customized texts such as job indices.
2.14 Extension of the page indices add section
The page indices are now extended so that BCS-2 automatically reads the associated barcodes per page and assigns them to a page index.
2.15 Implementation of Tesseract 5.3 add section
The current version of Tesseract 5.3 is now available and implemented for BCS-2.
Download RM#3569
2.16 Overlapping gutter – moving lines together add section
BCS-2 no longer moves overlapping collar webs individually, but also together if required.
2.17 JPEG 2000 – Adjustments add section
For faster processing of images in JPEG2000 format, new procedures have been integrated so that BCS-2 distributes parallel processes for JPEG 2000 creation across several cores via threads. This considerably speeds up the creation of JPEG2000.
2.18 QA window add section
For more convenient post-processing of images, BCS-2 now contains a QA window that displays the image currently open in the job in a separate window of variable size.
2.19 Time delay for displaying split pages add section
Background: With small A4/A3 originals and/or < 300 DPI, BCS-2 is sometimes so fast in 64-bit mode on newer PCs that “intuitive” quality assurance is hardly possible.
To enable scan operators to perform quality assurance after page splitting, a configurable delay (in milliseconds) has now been implemented for the image display after splitting, which allows operators to inspect the result of the splitting.
2.20 Reduce storage space add section
It is possible to dispense with the creation of backup files or thumbnails in order to save storage space. However, omitting the backup files means that changes to the image cannot be undone.
2.21 Display preview images (Bookeye and WideTek-Scanner) add section
For selected scanners such as Bookeye or WideTek, which provide a preview from the scanner firmware, it is now possible to display the preview of the BCS-2 scans while the scans are being transferred. This enables initial quality assurance. BCS-2 displays defined masks or dividing lines in the preview.
The preview is generally advantageous for large originals (> A3) and/or high resolution (> 300 dpi) in order to utilise the transfer time for the complete scan productively.
RM #4017
2.22 Position split lineadd section
The dividing line can be positioned independently of the outer lines. The left and right outer lines can be moved without changing the position of the dividing line.
RM#4019 and RM#3922
2.23 Extraction of OCR Page Numbersadd section
BCS-2 extracts the page numbers from an OCR created with Tesseract and assigns them to the page index.
2.24 Gutters and Split Linesadd section
In the case of overlapping gutters, BCS-2 also moves the split lines together.
2.25 Hiding the Page Numbers in the ImageVieweradd section
The page numbers can now be hidden in the BCS-2-Administrator or -Configurator via the “Grid and rulers” tab so that they do not interfere with image editing.
2.26 Transaction codes for the rotate by 1° and -1° functionadd section
For the rotate -1° and rotate 1° functions, we have implemented two transaction codes for use with scanpads (0156 and 0157) at the customer’s request.
2.27 Setting the line widthadd section
For more convenient use of the ‘Manual straightening’ function, the width of the auxiliary line
can be set in the configurator or administrator in the ‘Grids and rulers’ tab.
2.28 Shortcut for the rotate image by 90° after scan functionadd section
For the ‘Rotate image by 90°’ function, a shortcut (shift + r) and an icon for more convenient use of the function are available in BCS-2 at customer’s request.
2.29 Shortcut for the ‘remove all masks from image’ functionadd section
The ‘Remove all’ function with which BCS-2 removes all configured areas and dividing lines from the image is available via shortcut (shift + k).
2.30 Missing colour space in the image informationadd section
We have added the missing entry for the colour space in the image information.
2.31 Configuration of the ‘Deskew function’add section
As the manual and automatic deskewing of images led to different image quality for technical reasons, we have made the manual deskewing configurable in the BCS-2-Configrator and Administrator under the ‘Grids and rulers’ tab. The newly available functions can be found in the ‘Global image settings’ field.