2. BCS-2 Express Configuratoradd chapter
With the BCS-2 Express Configurator you can customize the application to suit your needs. All menus and most settings of the BCS-2 Express Configurator are equipped with so-called tool tips, ie when you run your mouse over the menus and settings, a pop-up appears with a brief explanation of the setting.
2.1 Base Settingsadd section
Interval for USB Timer in msec (0 means no USB Polling at all): Controls how often the USB ports of the computer are polled. If you’re experiencing performance problems with your PC increase the number so that the interval of the polling is increased.
2.2 Express-Settingsadd section
- Show disclaimer at the beginning of each job: Activate this function to view and confirm the terms of use before each job. The disclaimer can be found and viewed in the language tab, here you will also find the path to the deposited disclaimer.
- Show Help Button: Activate this option if the Help Button is meant to be accessible in the application. The Help-document can be found in the language tab.
- Stop Button: Only activate this option when the application is NOT used in the self-service area.
- Leave process when successfully finished: Activate this option if the application is meant to return to the start page once a job is successfully finished (saved or aborted)
- Number of days after which a job is deleted: Here you can specify when jobs are deleted.
- Width of the thumbnail bar: The width of the thumbnail bar can be adjusted (value=pixel)
- Actions the user can perform: Here you determine if the users are allowed to navigate in the file system or only the storage on USB-stick is permitted. NEVER activate Enable save to file-system when the application is used in the self service area.
- Settings for USB storage medium: Here you can determine if a USB-Stick MUST be plugged in BEFORE a job is started, as well as the minimum amount of free space it has to have.
- File formats the user can choose from: Select which file formats are available for saving documents.
- Names and naming templates: Here the template for the document name is defined.
2.3 Licencingadd section
The complete licencing procedure is described in chapter one: Installation and Registration
2.4 Language Settings add section

In the language settings you can define the languages the user can choose from in the application, furthermore you can deposit a disclaimer, an image for the start-up screen, a logo and help for each language and edit all visible texts of the application.
Left side: Select up to four languages which are to be displayed in the Express Start Window. You can change the sequence of the languages by using the four buttons next to the list.
On the right side of the window you can edit the text of the application, the mouse over information is not included. Furthermore files for the Disclaimer, Start-up screen, Toolbar Logo and Help can be set for each language.
It is also possible to import and export individual language settings and strings.
To change texts and files of a language simply click on one of the selected languages on the left side, the flag of the selected language will then appear on the right side. All changes made only affect the selected language.
2.4.1 Files
- Disclaimer: If you have activated the option Show disclaimer at the beginning in the Express Settings, then a disclaimer has to be selected here. You can either complete the stored document or use a different/individual text.
- Startup Screen: The right side of the startup screen can also be customized, simply replace the stored PNG file with a different image (PNG or JPEG, for example with scan instructions or your logo).
- Toolbar Logo: Change the logo shown in the selected toolbar configuration by replacing the image.
- Help-filename: If you have activated Show Help in the Express Settings then you can select your custom help (eg with scan tips and function explanations) here. You can also use the document provided by us which explains each function (Icon) .
2.4.2 Edit (visible) texts
You can edit all visible texts of the BCS-2 Express Application; the texts are always language specific. Double click on the text you wish to edit and the dialog Edit text for key… will appear.
The text presented in the upper half of the window is the text that can be edited; the text beneath is the default text which cannot be changed. You can select the language of the default text from the dropdown menu “Reference Languages”. If you want to edit all or most of the texts you can use the buttons on the left side to navigate from string to string instead of closing the window and reopening it for each change. Note: The tool-tips are never affected and cannot be changed.
2.5 Select Toolbar Configurationadd section
- BCS-2 Express comes with two toolbar configurations which differ through the size of the displayed buttons. The Express-PT-Standard-Layout, which is the default layout, is suitable for screen sizes from 17 to 22 inch.
- For larger screens we recommend the configuration Express-PT-Standard-BIG-BUTTONS, which can be selected via the Import Toolbar-Configuration.