3. BCS-2 Classic versus BCS-2 Office/Professional
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CriterionBCS-2 ClassicBCS-2 Office / Professional
Availability1998 –  2022  
(End of Life  31.12.2022 / End of Support 31.12.2023)
from 2015 Release Notes
User interfaceA non-configurable user interface with all functions for all applicationsSeveral individually configurable user interfaces that can be tailored to the user and task
WorkflowsNo, partial implementation with order typesFlexible workflow control with configurable indexing and export targets
Configuration and settingsRestricted combination of global and job type specific settingsFlexible service-specific configuration of workflows and toolbars
IndexingOrder and restricted page indexingFlexibly definable per workflow  
Indexing at job, chapter and page level  
Structuring of the job into multi-level chapters/sub-chapters   
Semi-automatic indexingNoAdaption of predefined form fields via OCR-Suite, e.g. page number

Via C-3 Plus for indexing structured content such as tables of contents, indexes, etc.
Export meta datacsv, txtcsv, txt, METS/MODS, ALTO, MARC21.XML, and individually configurable
Connection to norm databasesNoYes, GND, ZDB, etc.
Character setWindows– ISO switchableUTF-8 / Unicode
32/64 Bit 32 Bit64 bit
Operating systemsW7, W10W10, W11-  MacOS
OCRABBYY 10 EOLTesseract, as well as zonal OCR to support the capture of index and structural data
IP protocolIPv4IPv4 and IPv6
Securityn/a, restricted due to end of life of product and maintananceEncrypted communication via https and file transfer via sftp, the latest SSH classes are integrated
MyBib eDoc Workflow SystemMyBib systems can only be used with a BCS-2 order typeParallel query of several MyBib eDoc systems, different BCS-2 workflows can be used with one order service
Supported scanners– Bookeye 2,3,4,
– Plustek
– Avision, Plustek 
– Bookeye 2, 3, 4, 5 
– TWAIN (64-Bit)  
further see:
Scanner Connection – IWC-Manuals
Translation/Multilingual interfacesStandard: D, EN– Standard D, EN, IT 
– further translations on request,